You hiding there Neptune

Which is the farthest planet from the sun ? is there any connection between this planet and Mathematics ? sounds interesting right. Neptune is the eighth and farthest planet from the sun in the solar system. It's a fact we all know. But can you believe that the planet Neptune was mathematically predicted before it was directly observed .Telescopic observations confirming the existence of a major planet were made on the night of September 23–24, 1846, at the Berlin observatory, by astronomer Johann Gottfried Galle , working from Urbain Le Verrier's calculations. It was a sensational moment of 19th-century science, and dramatic confirmation of Newtonian gravitational theory. In francois arago’s apt phrase, Le Verrier had discovered a planet "with the point of his pen". Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier (11 March 1811 – 23 September 1877) was a French mathematician who specialized in celestial mechanics . 

John Couch Adams ( 5 June 1819 – 21 January 1892) was another interesting personality in this field who was actually a British mathematician and astronomer. His most famous achievement was predicting the existence and position of Neptune , using only mathematics. The calculations were made to explain discrepancies with Uranus's orbit and the laws of Kepler and Newton. At the same time, unknown to each other, the same calculations were made by Ubrain le varrier. Le Verrier would send his coordinates to Berlin Observatory astronomer Johann Gottfried Galle, who confirmed the existence of the planet on 23 September 1846, finding it within 1° of Le Verrier's predicted location .

How did Neptune get its name? Shortly after its discovery, Neptune was only referred to as “the planet exterior to Uranus” or as “Le Verrier’s planet”. The first suggestion for a name came from Johann Galle, who proposed the name Janus. Another proposal was Oceanus. Urbain Le Verrier, who discovered the planet, claimed the right to name his discovery: Neptune. Soon Neptune became the internationally accepted name. In roman mythology, Neptune was the god of the sea. The demand for a mythological name seemed to be in keeping with the nomenclature of the other planets, all of which, except for Earth, were named for Greek and Roman mythology. Most languages today use some variant of the name Neptune for the planet. Size wise, the planet has an equatorial radius 24,764 km, a polar radius of 24,341 km, and a surface area of 7.6408×10,sup>9km2. It has a volume of 6.254×1013km3, a mass of 1.0243×1026kg, and a mean density of 1.638 g/cm3. It's all about the Mathematics on Neptune
