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Walking Through The Life Of Great Ones

“ Srinivasa   Ramanujan  was a M athematician  so  great  that his name transcends jealousies, the one superlatively  great Mathematician  whom India has produced in the last thousand years.” He continued thus: “His leaps of intuition confound  mathematicians  even today, a century after his death. The  Man Who Knew Infinity:  A Life of the Genius Ramanujan is a biography of the Indian Mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan, written in 1991 by Robert Kanigel and published by Washington Square Press . Based on that book in 2015 there came a british biographical drama film named The Man Who Knew Infinity  and it potrayed the journey of  Ramanujan's  extraordinary life. 1729  is called the “Hardy-Ramanujan  number ”. How can a number be named like that ? and how Ramanujan relates to that number? If you are interested to know, watch the movie and conquer the treasure of knowledge about the great Mathematician SRINIVASA RAMANUJAN. John Forbes Nash Jr.  (June 13,

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